When you constantly work at trying to divvy up time for goals like I have been most recently, you alter/extend deadlines for when you want to get certain goals accomplished, such as me deciding to get to 1,100 completed Catch-22 Hundred evaluations between now and March 12 of next year. Currently, I’m 99 away from that goal and I have a somewhat structured way to get there, which begins with one evaluation tomorrow night and two evaluations per day from this Saturday through exactly one week from now.
Of course, there will be two full days of mostly unoccupied time between tomorrow and Saturday. However, that’s by design, as I’ll have my DVD of “The Holdovers” by Friday, thus I can finally see out my plan of finishing my entire upcoming group (The Holdovers, The Last Ride, Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas, The Chumbscrubber, Life Itself, Reminiscence) of assessments/re-assessments. And with that being said, those are the six movies that are projected to round out the combined 11 movies that will battle for the 18thand 19th spots of Tier 12.
But of course, I have been let down by so many movies this year to the point that I’ll be adding two movies as designated fallback options, despite the fact that I’m cautiously optimistic. And as to what those two movies are, well they are Ex Machina for it potentially being better than Chappie and Tough Luck for it being one of the first movies in Dagmara Dominczyk’s career. Plus, the latter of those two movies was also chosen for the simple fact that it’d be perfect symmetry to do four assessments per day over that two-day period.
Trying to get 11 competent movies as competitors for the vacated spots of both Saltburn and Next Goal Wins has been frustratingly slow. But given how strong that each of the now eight upcoming assessments/re-assessments are looking heading into Thursday, there’s a possibility that two of those eight movies could be in that grueling battle for some of the very last fully guaranteed Catch-22 Hundred spots.
Here’s to hoping that this insanity ends on Friday night.