Flickasbord, Volume 47

Purging within The Flickuum Project has finally come to an end, but today has become yet another “behind the eight ball” kind of day in rounding out both Tiers 7 and 11. Let’s begin.

First up, Camila Mendes is down to two foreseeable chances at having movies of hers make The Project, as “The New Romantic” was as abysmal as the many garbage movies that Sara Malakul Lane has put forth. And that’s a shame because the former of the two actresses has too upbeat of a vibe to not have a Flickuum movie. Stay tuned.

Getting an equal amount of Tiers 8 and 10 movies and open Flickuum spots has become challenging yet again, as five movie movies have been added/re-added to the current assessment/re-assessment roster. And as to what those four movies are, well you can find out view the typical chart format:

MovieWhy it’s been added to the current assessment/re-assessment roster
That Awkward MomentKate Simses is a smoke show in that movie, so I want to see that particular aspect again, along with wanting to see if the movie’s ending is to my liking or not.
The Spectacular NowSince this movie and the movie above it are both Miles Teller movies, this should be re-assessed as well.
Scott JoplinWith the leniency that’s been granted to both Jimi: All Is By My Side and La Bamba, this Billy Dee Williams-led biopic is worthy of a re-assessment.
The Florida ProjectThe frenetic way that this movie ends is annoying, but a second re-assessment could present that ending in a whole new light. Plus, it could be a good complimentary movie to The Bounce Back.
Lottery TicketMovies (Spies In Disguise, Birds Of Prey And The Fantabulous Emancipation Of One Harley Quinn) that were constantly being passed over for other movies have gone on to be eventual/future jump-starters for The Project. This movie has been both passed over and overlooked for a little over a decade, but it finally gets its chance, thanks to the presence of Teairra Mari. And I have a feeling that it will deliver, as it’s giving off jump-starter type vibes.

Of course, with additions to Tier 8 comes possible rescheduling of movies in that tier, especially since I don’t want to mandate that all Tier 8 movies need to be completed between now and May 6. So, with that being said, I’ve decided to designate “Panic Room” as a potential movie for the 2,201 through 2,300 selection protocol, especially since it’s non-essential for The Project right now.

And finally, getting the two Miles Teller movies and “The Florida Project” on the current assessment/re-assessment roster means that they can’t be pardoned from the Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention page for nothing, as all three currently reside on that page. Or should I say resided, as the Camila Mendes movie “Upgraded”, along with the back-to-back duds in “Greenland” and “Adult Beginners” have all been sent to that page, so that the current total amount of 1,875 movies on that page can be maintained.

Well, to quote Frank from Old School, “Let’s go streaking”, except this streaking will be the goal of stringing together multiple successful movies for The Project, as I don’t want to fall behind day after day, especially with eight full days to work with in between now and May 6. So yeah, I better haul ass.

Until the next time.