I decided to get a jump on the movies that I have designated as post-May 20 assessments/re-assessments, by re-assessing “Gran Turismo” last night via the Netflix app since it could be gone from that app before that date. And this came three days after I pardoned it from the Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention page, which is also a pardon that I’m glad that I made, as I enjoyed the 2023 movie more the second time around. And of course, since I enjoyed the 2023 movie the second time around, it’s locked down a spot in the 2,101 through 2,200 selection protocol.
Speaking of pardons, I have decided to grant a pardon to “Plunkett & Macleane” from the Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention page, as the ending could be one where our three main characters aren’t in a “too narrow of an escape” type situation. But of course, the only way that I can re-assess that movie a second time is to obtain it via hard copy from eBay, which of course won’t get here before next Monday, thus it will be re-assessed sometime between then and New Year’s Day 2026. And since that movie is being pardoned from that page, something has to take its place, so I have decided to send “Sleepover” back in trade.
Out of all the Tier 8 and Tier 10 movies that were pending assessment/re-assessment, retroactive to this past Saturday morning, I had “Sling Blade” penciled in as a movie that wasn’t going to make the cut, due to how potentially that the rest of the field was. But the way that Billy Bob Thornton transformed himself into the character of “Karl” was just too phenomenal to discard, thus the 1996 movie defied the odds to be in the same exact boat as “Gran Turismo”.
Back in “Flickasbord, Volume 35”, I mentioned not liking ANY movie portrayals of J. Edgar Hoover, only for me to mindlessly contradict myself, as Martin Sheen portrayed him in the 2021 movie “Judas And The Black Messiah”. But unlike A] Leonardo DiCapprio and Billy Crudup both being a little too over the top in their respective portrayals of him in “J. Edgar” and “Public Enemies”, B] The late Bob Hoskins being miscast as the aforementioned J. Edgar Hoover in the 1995 movie “Nixon” and C] Me hating (a dog is unnecessarily shot) the possibly dramatized J. Edgar Hoover (played by the late Richard Dysart) authorization of a neighborhood destabilization in the 1995 movie “Panther”, Sheen’s portrayal blends in perfectly with the former of the five movies, thus making it an exception to my Flickuum rule about movies that have J. Edgar Hoover portrayals.
Back in mid-December 2022, I evaluated “Die Another Day” and “Hollow In The Land” back-to-back for evaluations 669 and 670, respectively, only to do so without any real rhyme or reason. But after assessing “I Care A Lot”, I realized that I unintentionally foreshadowed that movie back then, as I evaluated a movie where Dianna Agron de-glamorizes herself after evaluating a movie that has Rosamund Pike. Furthermore, those two things converge in the 2021 movie, as Pike is in that movie and there’s a gorgeous who de-glamorizes herself, except that actress is Eiza Gonzalez, and she de-glamorizes herself slightly less than Agron did in the aforementioned “Hollow In The Land”. So, having said all of that, along with the fact that I like Gonzalez’s de-glamorization more than Agron’s, the latter of the three movies will be in the same waiting protocol as “The Sea Beast”, “Godzilla Minus One”, “Home ‘21” and “Sergio”.
You know a movie is in trouble when its title comes onto the screen as soon as it begins, which was the case with the 2009 movie “Vicious Circle”. And that wasn’t the only issue that I had with that movie because in addition, I didn’t like the pacing of the movie nor did I like the utilization of Idalis DeLeon’s character, and she was the reason why I anointed that movie as one that needed to pass its assessment, in order for her to be a part of Flickuum lore. So, with all of that being said, I have decided to add the 2002 movie “Man Of The Year” to Tier 8 because that could be her best shot to be a part of Flickuum lore.
When it comes to the Cameron family, one movie is enough, as A] Kirk Cameron lucked out via appearing in “The Best Of Times”, and B] I’ve found myself increasingly put off by Candace Cameron Bure to the point that there’s a strong possibility that she won’t be a part of Flickuum lore. And of course, with that being said, at least one movie for the latter of those two won’t ever be seen by this pair of light brown eyes, as the 1996 movie “She Cried No” will be the fifth movie to join the Movies That Mega Tat Refuses To See page. And as to why that movie will be on that page, well it’s a downgrade working with the aforementioned Candace Cameron Bure after five years of working with Tiffani-Amber Thiessen. Yes, I’m referring to you, Mark-Paul Gosselaar.
And finally, I have decided to pardon a One Hun-Dread movie for re-assessment, as there’s something that’s just intriguing about “The Devil’s Advocate”. Perhaps it’s my opinion that I can get redemption via seeing another Charlize Theron “smoke show” movie after the disappointment that was “2 Days In The Valley”. But of course, that won’t be the only movie of hers that I’ll scout/re-scout for The Project because in addition, I’m going to A] Scout “Head In The Clouds” because it’s another one of her “smoke show” movies, B] Scout “The Curse Of The Jade Scorpion” because I think that it would be cool to see both her and Elizabeth Berkley in the same movie together, and C] Scout “Sweet November” because her second collaboration with Keanu Reeves is as deserving as “The Devil’s Advocate”, in terms of garnering Flickuum consideration.
Well, there is a reason why there is a page called Land Of Infusion and that’s because seven of the movies in this entry are ones that can add excitement to an already exciting Project. Yes, six of those seven movies have to prove themselves as Flickuum worthy, but I like the upside that they all bring, thus the strong possibility that they all join a Project that will eventually be ruled by The Bounce Back.
Now it’s time to go run seven movie marathons before next Monday afternoon.