Well, I’ve just hit the quarter century mark of Flickasbord volumes, due to some wrongs that I have decided to right when it comes to the Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention page. Let’s begin.
First up, after deciding to re-assess “The Watchers” when it becomes available via streaming, I came to the realization that both of the John Krasinski-Emily Blunt “Quiet Place” movies are far more superior than the Ishana Shyamalan-directed movie, thus I have decided to pardon both of the aforementioned “Quiet Place” movies to the 2,101 through 2,231 selection protocol. And given the jumping around to multiple days in the second installment being comparable to the jumping around in “(500) Days Of Summer”, the pardoning of both installments makes further sense.
Staying in the topic of “A Quiet Place”, I have decided to add “A Quiet Place: Day One” to my 2024 theatrical tour, simply because it has the potential to be a table-setting prequel to both of the John Krasinski-Emily Blunt movies after I constantly rolled my eyes at that trailer multiple times. But that’s the beauty of The Flickuum Project because something that was harshly rejected can come back and be a pleasant surprise, i.e. both Melissa Barrera-Jenna Ortega “Scream” movies. Now let’s see if the Michael Sarnoski-directed movie can become the 22nd (or 23rd) 2024 movie to make The Project.
And finally, movies with the unique combination of A) Different types of animals being together in one household and B) Cute animals growing up together is just impossible to deny being a part of The Project. So, with that being said, such a movie in “The Wolf And The Lion” will too be pardoned to the 2,101 through 2,231 selection protocol. But this will be the last ever time that a movie will be pardoned from the Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention page because I can’t renege on the vow of no more pardons from that page. As a matter of fact, I will re-do that vow after I finish posting today’s Nog Report.
Well, only 121 movies stand between the 2,101 through 2,231 selection protocol being completed and the target date of that completion will be sometime in October, as that’s when “Your Monster” will most likely get a United States wide theatrical release. Yes, I know that 110 movies will all be subjected to a tedious waiting process, but I’ve decided to wait for the accessibility of Melissa Barrera’s other 2024 movie because I want it to be one of the movies that will avoid the soon-to-be rebuilt “99ers” page. Yes, that’s how much upside that that movie has.
Until the next time.