At the conclusion of Two More Changes On The Table(s), I mentioned that two more movies would be added to the Karl-Nine Movie Assessment Marathon. And they will be.
However, a lot has changed between the conclusion of that entry and now, as I’ve since added nine more movies to that marathon.
Of course, the amount of movies in that marathon will totally be dwarfed by the totality of the 100-movie assessment marathon that I’m still working on. But make no mistake, because what’s currently in the Karl-Nine Movie Assessment Marathon and what I’ve since added to it will keep me busy. So with that being said, here are the other movies that I’ve added to that marathon via the chart below:
Movie | Why it’s being assessed |
Beverly Hills Ninja | If Black Sheep can be in the selection pile, then this movie deserves a re-assessment. |
The Winning Season | There’s no such as too much Emma Roberts in the Tremendous 1200 Project, thus a re-assessment. |
Flower | This movie is being re-assessed solely on the weird relationship dynamic (spoiler alert) at the end. |
The Mighty Ducks | This movie is being re-assessed based on the fact that it has sequels to further it along. |
Sliding Doors | In need of a re-watch, simply because it does. |
Nowhere To Run | Same reason as Sliding Doors. |
Nothing But Trouble | Same reason as Sliding Doors. |
The Spirit | If Sin City can get a re-assessment, then this movie should as well. |
Drinking Buddies | There’s no such thing as too much Anna Kendrick in the Tremendous 1200 Project, thus a re-assessment. |
About Scout | The first of two more post-Thirteen Nikki Reed movies in need of an assessment, simply because both Jack Goes Home and Last Day Of Summer failed. |
Familiar Strangers | The second of two more post-Thirteen Nikki Reed movies in need of an assessment for the same exact reason that About Scout is in need of an assessment. |