Sneak Leaks

Welcome to (the re-installed) Sneak Leaks, the page in which we leak information (via blog form) about movies that could potentially join the current movie assessment/re-assessment roster.

However, the entry on this page alludes to something different, which is Steve Kaycee breaking down the first quarter of the 52 Tier 7 bubble movies.

You can see the entry below.

“Tier 7 Bubble Movies Progress Report, First Quarter”

  For nearly two months, some headway has been made in deciding on the 52 Tier 7 bubble movies, in terms of their eligibility for making The Flickuum Project. And so far, 11 of them have been re-assessed, while both a 12th one (Prometheus) needs the rest of its franchise (Alien) to succeed, and a 13th one (The Company Men) is predicated on how “Legacy” does in its assessment since both movies are Eamonn Walker movies. So, with all of that being said, here is a status report on the 11 re-assessed movies via the chart below:

MovieIts Flickuum Status
Black BearIt has a Project probability of 89% in Tier 13, but only two of the movies in that tier (Over Her Dead Body, See How They Run) are legitimate Project movies.
Gemini ManIt demonstrated that it can be a potential jump-starter for The Project via its re-assessment, thus its one of 53 movies with a 30F designation in Tier 7.
Juliet, NakedIt’s in the same boat as Black Bear and with a Project probability of 81%.
Like A BossIt’s in the same boat as Black Bear and Juliet, Naked, and with a Project probability of 7%.
HitsIf Medicine For Melancholy passes its assessment, then this movie will be cut from The Project.
Lottery TicketIt made much more sense in its re-assessment, thus it has the same status as Gemini Man.
Never Cry WolfIt’s in Tier 13 with a Project probability rate of 93%.
My GiantIt’s in Tier 13 with a Project probability rate of 11%.
The Edge Of SeventeenIt’s tied with Juliet, Naked with a Project probability rate of 81%.
Flora & UlyssesIt’s in Tier 13 with a Project probability rate of 90%.
NosferatuIt came together in its re-assessment, thus it has the same status as both Gemini Man and Lottery Ticket.

Well, I’m happy to say that three quality depth pieces have been found for The Project. But there are still three quarters to go to see if any more of the Tier 7 bubble movies are worthy of joining Gemini Man, Lottery Ticket and Nosferatu in The Project.

The work in looking for more eventual overall guaranteed Flickuum movies continues.