Five days after purchasing the Kevin Bacon movie “Death Sentence” on DVD via eBay, that item arrived to me, as it was the best way that I could see its unrated version. But of course, I decided to wait to watch the aforementioned DVD, as I had rented the theatrical version of the aforementioned Kevin Bacon movie via “Fandango At Home”, and prior to that item’s arrival. So, with that being said, I watched the rental before the purchase during the wee hours of the first Tuesday of this most recent September, except I didn’t know that the theatrical version was also available on the same DVD as the unrated version until after the fact. But hey, I paid $4.28 for the rental, so I figured that I might as well watch it (I of course did) instead of having that money go to waste.
Okay, so I know that this entry doesn’t really have anything to do with PerfectGift, but I pretty much promised in Part 5 that I would mention which version of “Death Sentence” that I prefer via this entry. And as to what my answer is, well it’s the unrated version, because the extended runtime gives it a much more complete feel and the ending has a slightly more definitive fate for Kevin Bacon’s character. So yeah, I should have never discarded the movie from Flickuum consideration two separate times, but hindsight has always helped me correct those mistakes and will continue to do so until I have 2,501 overall guaranteed Flickuum movies by my New Year’s Day 2026 deadline.
Tune in next week to find out what I added to my eBay list after using most of the $80 worth of those eBay digital gift cards that I got via PerfectGift.