The Website That Was ‘Perfect’ Until It Wasn’t, Part 8

I’m two days late in delivering this entry, as I had a lot of very time-consuming decisions to make about The Flickuum Project. But two days late is better than never, so let’s pick up right from where we left off.

Alright, so sometime during the wee hours of the day that I subsequently found out that Diddy got arrested, I attempted to purchase that $200 digital eBay gift card on, since I anticipated that I would need that much eBay currency to afford the eight items (Both of The Babysitter movies were in the same packaged item) that I amassed on my eBay list back in early-September of this year. But of course, the operative word here is “attempted”, as a few hours after going to the aforementioned, that website sent me a notification that my purchase of that $200 digital eBay gift card was cancelled, due to possibly some technical glitch on their end. Thank you, tech bros.

Anyways, sarcasm aside, I pivoted quickly to the Google search engine, as I typed in websites that have eBay digital gift cards available and awaited to see what popped up. And sure enough, two totally legitimate websites popped up in the search results, with them being Best Buy and Staples. But unlike PerfectGift.Com, the highest increment of an eBay digital gift card that each of those websites had was $100, so I got that increment from each of those websites, followed by using a pair of coupon/promo codes, one of which went towards “Hav Plenty” on VHS and a replacement for “Raging Bull”, in the form of “The Scorpion King” since the DVD copy of the Robert De Niro movie that I had on my eBay watchlist was bought by someone else, and I did so using the $100 eBay digital gift card that I purchased from the Staples website. So yes, different purchase strategy for an eBay digital gift card, but with the same hassle-free results. Plus, I was able to get both of those gift cards immediately unlike, which gave me a 24-hour waiting period three separate times during this past August, thus one less hoop to jump through.

To be continued.